Last Wednesday, my school held its annual "Welcome Ceremony" for incoming first-graders (so cute!). I'm not sure "Welcome Ceremony" is the title meant for what happened later that afternoon, but for our purposes, let's just assume it is.
With the chairman of the school board in tow, the principal, vice principal, and faculty and staff gathered together for a "kick-off" dinner. (FYI: March is the start of the Korean school year.) Sitting down for a Korean-style dinner (everything in this town is Korean-style, but in this particular instance, no table and chairs were provided... we sat on the ondol-heated floors), the teachers appeared to be segregated by age (younger; older) and then "us" (the English teachers). As most of you know, I absolutely love forced social interactions ;) -- but seriously, this was awesome. I had a great time, even with the chairman and principal sitting diagonally from me.
After the meal and several soju shots (have I mentioned this? Soju is rice wine that is more on par with vodka than "wine". It's extremely important in Korean culture and you will often be asked how many bottles you can drink), everyone got up and mingled and all was good. It was definitely interesting to see the chairman and principal and... well, everyone else, getting their drink on. While that may be more common in corporate America, I can't say that I know of any teachers in the States that drink it up with their superindendents/principals/presidents, etc. I took careful notes, though, of the night's events in the event SSC wants to beef up their own annual "Welcome Back" event. I think they could learn a thing or two!!! (SSCer's: Do you think E. Ann would be receptive to adding soju to the ceremony?? Heehee.)
Below: This is my school's principal. Note the empty shot glass in his hand. Someone should have refilled it ASAP. In Korea, when someone finishes a drink (especially your boss!), it is considered rude not to refill it. (Note to self: do not always finish soju shots!)

Two and half hours later, I thought, surely, this evening is coming to a close. Ha! Not even close. We (as in Korean and Western teachers + administration) walked over to the noraembang (karoke rooms) where the evening continued.
Below: I was coerced into this. I thought it only appropriate to belt out Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer." What else would I be doing living in Korea???
And our principal (far right) loves busting a move to "La Bamba"! (PS: On the far left is the manager of my school's English department; peering on in the middle back is the chairman of the school board.)

Ahhh, what a night. Best Welcome Back event I've ever attended!
That's awesome Suz! Sounds like they know how to have a good time :)