Thursday, January 28, 2010

To bring you up to speed...

It's been a long time coming, my upcoming move to South Korea. Although skeptics believe the US (and global) economy and unemployment rates are to blame for the influx of American (and, in fact, Irish, British, Australian, and Kiwi) EFL teachers in Korea, it's only a minor factor in my personal decision to pull up roots and head to the Land of the Morning Calm.

In fact, I began this journey five years ago when I graduated with a degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Immediately following the walk across the university stage, I embarked on a journey to southeast Asia, following my vagabonding inclinations. Although my trip was truncated for a host of insane reasons, I always knew, or hoped!, I would return to Asia. And now I am!

To label a five-year time span a "detour" may be a stretch to some people. But that's what these past years have been for me. I'd say I'm returning to my "Dream," but traveling and teaching abroad was never a "Dream." It was an absolute.

So, at the end of November 2009, I began interviewing for teaching positions in South Korea. By Christmas, I accepted a position and sent my transcripts, diplomas, health statement, and criminal background check to Korean Immigration. By late January, I interviewed with a Korean Consul and received my work visa. Now, I'm just waiting for my school to book my flight... I should be bound for SoKo mid-February!

And while this blog will most certainly log the intricacies of life in Korea, bizarre moments bound to happen on the road, and the random kindness of strangers, be prepared for a few miscellaneous musings that may, seemingly, have nothing to do with anything!
