Thursday, March 25, 2010

A sickly report

Where do I even start? I'm not even sure when last I wrote. I'd love to say I've been so caught up in the beauties of my new life that time has gotten away from me, but alas, that would not be true. It is true enough, though, that time has gotten away from me... in doubled-over, lung-hacking, phelgm-producing hazy days! Ahh, yes. To be sick in a foreign country... there's nothing quite like it.

What started as a sore throat quickly morphed into a fierce case of laryngitis, which, of course, coincided with the beginning of teaching two hour time blocks of an afterschool program that had little direction and tons of hyperactive kids! And then... the sinuses/nasal congestion started... and then the cough... and then *hope* I regained my voice! Ahh, but wait... false hope -- my cough deepened. Although my initial chest x-ray showed no signs of pneumonia, the fact that I've made two trips to the doctor's in the past two days for a cortisteroid IV injection to open my airways makes me doubt the prognosis.

So here I am. I'm finally strong enough to string together a few words, but am so irritated (I think it's the steroids!) that I can't seem to really express what I want to say. I feel clumsy and useless.

A bit of background, though. On my first trip (of four) to the doctor's, I had a chest xray and was prescribed three days worth of pills... about 13 pills per day. What those pills were supposed to do is beyond me, but they didn't work. The upside? Doc's visit + xray + 40 some odd pills = less than $20.

Three days later (doc's only prescribe meds for three days at a time), I still felt shitty, so I returned. More pills, but a different set. Again... about 13/day. And again, pretty useless.

Four days later, couldn't breathe. Felt like crawling out my skin. Doc ordered steroid IV to open my airways... finally-relief! (After, of course, one of the nurses blew out one of my veins-ouch!)

And today. Had to return for another IV... doesn't seem to be helping as much, but at least I'm not continually dislodging my lungs from their permanent positions.

Oh, but my original point: I think all of this has cost me less than a hundred bucks. So, while the meds are questionably effective, at least they're cheap!

I know this post must sound pathetic and whiny, but I'm sick and need an outlet. Today was such a rough day. I dealt with hellions all day. Well, not all day. Some of the students kicked ass, but when one boy threatened to beat a girl over the head with a chair because she stole his stickers, I'd about reached the end of my rope.

For a minute, I almost closed my eyes and clicked my heels three times. But then I realized -- I'm already home.

And so, in efforts to lift my spirits, I'm going to get lost in music... maybe a little Mamma Mia will do the trick. :)

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